Our Story.
Invenio was born out of a decade-long collaboration between attorneys Ed Gehres (left) and Blake Trueblood (right), who were first brought together by their shared mutual passion for advocating for economic development in Native American communities. Ed spent the early part of his career as a trial attorney at several large Washington, D.C. law firms, serving as counsel for both plaintiffs and defendants in complex cases domestically and internationally. Blake founded and managed a small boutique practice where he represented individuals and small businesses in plaintiff-side litigation and counseled start-up companies and entrepreneurs, learning to leverage technology to improve the one-on-one client service his firm thrived on.
Together, Ed and Blake have worked as counselors to several litigation finance companies with investments in claimant funding, law firm funding, pre-settlement funding, claims development, and class action claims administration. Their vision is to level the playing field in civil litigation by working with plaintiffs who need relief, the lawyers who wage the fight, and the investors who can provide crucial funding to make the litigation possible.
We are pathfinders through the complex litigation ecosystem. We have represented plaintiffs and defendants in complex cases. We have used litigation financing ourselves. We represent claimants, law firms, and investors in litigation finance transactions that are crucial to the flow of justice. And we counsel law firms on mergers, joint ventures, and alternative structures that help them serve plaintiffs in need of help.
We found the way.
We bring a 360 degree view of the complex litigation marketplace to bear for our clients. For claimants, we help you design a process to get your claims into court and successfully resolved. For law firms, we help you organize, obtain resources, and get to work fighting for your clients. For organizations contributing to civil justice, we provide a frank and thorough view of the battlefield so you know where you can help.
We are committed to evolving our capabilities as the firm grows. Our client’s journey will remain at the center of our service model. And we believe our collective decades of experience bring our clients wins in the courtroom and in the marketplace.